First Ghost Post

Welcome to my new blog website, hosted using Ghost!

Hey, that rhymed!

What is this?

This is the first post that I am writing on Ghost, an open-source blogging platform. So far I have found Ghost to be really neat. It is easy to use, it was pretty easy to install/configure, and is rich with amazing features.

I am currently hosting my Ghost instance on GCP (Google Cloud Platform). You can expect to see a blog post on how I was able to set this up, with a full tutorial.

Why a blog?

If it hasn't become evident to you by this point already, it will become more and more clear if you continue to read my blog. I am not a writer. I never really have been, in fact I've always hated writing. From elementary school, through middle and high school, even into university, I never enjoyed writing, and the only writing I ever did was because I was forced to. I wish I enjoyed writing, and I wish I was good at it. None of my work has ever been exceptional by any means, but I have put out some works that were not totally terrible, and there were even times where I did enjoy writing for a brief moment. My hope is that by writing more about topics that I actually enjoy and care about, I will get better and writing, and perhaps even begin to like it.

What will you blog about?

I have an Obsidian vault full of notes, projects, and ideas that I would love to share with the world. I really enjoy helping people, particularly in a field that I can claim some sort of experience in, like technology. I think that documenting and blogging my work can turn into a way of helping people.

I also partially wanted to document the projects that I've already been working on for awhile, and thought that maybe others could benefit from them as well. It will also serve as a portfolio of sorts, to show others what I'm working on, since IT is not only a hobby of mine, but a professional career as well, but more on that in a later post.

What next?

Well, like I mentioned, I have a few ideas for some blog posts that I would like to get out. This is my general road map that I will be following to get started on this blog:

  • First I'd like to do an introduction post to let you all know a little bit more about me and my background.
  • Second, I want to go through my home-lab that I have to give an overview of the hardware I'm working with, and the current things running on the lab.
  • Third, I have a lot of previous projects that I want to document and write about here, both so I can have a better record of them, but also so others can see what I've worked on.
  • Fourth, I have a lot of future ideas that I want to get started on. As I work on those projects, I will do better at writing and documenting the process so I can share it here

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